Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hello All,
I started to think about my family and friends today. I was alarmed at the amount of time that has passed since I spoke with certain people! It is not because I don't want anything to do with them, but life gets busy and before you know it, a year or more has passed.

I also thought if something were to happen and I never had another conversation with that person, it would be terrible. So, I have promised myself to reconnect with family and friends AND continue to stay in touch. It is easier said than done, but making a conscious effort and having the desire to do it is the first step.

As you go about the hustle and bustle of the holidays, don't forget about what is really important. Love and fellowship with those you hold dear. Also, this may be a good time for forgiveness and putting old things to rest. God wants to do a new thing in all of us! Now is the time!

Be Blessed,


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