Friday, May 21, 2010

Enjoy the Moment

Hello All,
Okay, so what about all the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" times? Sometimes we spend a lot of quality time wondering about how situations would have happened, or what could have taken place. I want to tell you today....ENJOY THE MOMENT! Live in the moment and embrace the good that is happening right now...right Worrying about how the situation is going to play out only stops you from living a fulfilled life TODAY. Worrying about what happened before only keeps you stagnated and living in the past.

Reach up! Smile and let LIFE in TODAY!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dare to GO!

Hello All,
Do you have any regrets over things you could have done? Do you look back and say, "If I would have at least given it a shot..." Is it fear of failure or fear of of success? I never want to look back and wonder what if. When opportunities come our way, it is time to take it to the Lord in prayer. He is the source and will always be the One to know what is best for us. Our faith and trust in Him will provide us with the answer - a divine decision and inner peace.

Dare to GO! Dare to PUSH! Dare to REACH towards your goals, dreams, and God-given purpose for your life. God doesn't want us to go through life barely making and doing just enough to manage. He wants us to be blessed exceedingly and abundantly above anything we can ask or think. He desires the best for us!

Don't be afraid to try - you just may find who you really are!

Be Blessed,