Monday, December 27, 2010

You, just better

Hello All,
This last week of December, my heart and mind are heavy. Lately, I have found myself not being able to sleep well, or concentrate. I feel rushed and over-extended, and a little worried about what is to come. There are things that cannot control, and those are the things that tend to get to me towards the end of the year. I start to think about all that I didn't accomplish, and why I didn't. It's the devil being busy!

As children of God, we are SUPPOSE to know that He is in control. We are trust Him for all of our needs, to solve our problems, and have faith that He knows what is best for us. The big picture is out of our grasp sometimes, and it's hard to SEE. However, God knows the purpose and plan for us and He sees it all.

Just because we are Christians, doesn't mean that we will never have pain and that we will not have to go through life-lessons. It doesn't mean that we can skip through life without taking responsibility for our actions.

As 2011 is almost here, your life has been here! There is no time like the present, to let go of the past and breathe deeply taking in what is to come. Trust God, no matter what it looks like. Have faith that all your dreams and desires will come to fruition. Look to the hills for strength. Pray until something happens!

Be Blessed,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Create and Change

Hello All,
Are YOU the change that you want to see? When things and people around you are not what you need, do you expect that thing or person to change? Oftentimes, WE are what needs to change in order to create the difference in our lives. It is due time for CHANGE in your life, and it starts with you TODAY.

Why do we wait until Mondays, or the New Year, or until the circumstances are perfect, or until someone is in or out of our lives before we even think about walking in our purpose. God already has the right people, the right circumstances, and the situations in place all to guide you within the purpose that he has set for you.

You don't have to wait for 2011 to come before you decide to LIVE! Do it now and become more of yourself!

Be Blessed,